
Cameron's Collison Course: London Takes Major Gamble with EU Referendum

24.01.2013 13:56
DerSpiegel: David Cameron has put himself on a collision course with the rest of Europe by pledging an 'in or out' referendum on Britain's EU membership by 2017. He is demanding special privileges for his country and putting Britain's partners under pressure -- it's a high-risk gamble that has...

Europe's Scaredy-Cat

24.01.2013 13:55
DerSpiegel:Fear drove David Cameron to promise Britain a referendum on EU membership. Fear of his party, fear of voters, and fear of the EU itself, which he neither fully understands nor has ever really been interested in. He wants Europe to be a free trade zone with beach access. He missed an...

Greece charges statisticians over size of deficit

24.01.2013 12:57
FT: Greece has brought criminal charges against the official responsible for measuring the country’s debt, thereby calling into question the validity of its €172bn second bailout by the EU and International Monetary Fund. Andreas Georgiou, head of the independent statistical agency Elstat, and...

Anatomy of a White House win: how Obama outmaneuvered Romney

24.01.2013 12:56
  (Reuters) - On the day after the 2010 midterm election that swept Republicans into control of the House of Representatives and decreased Democrats' majority in the Senate, senior White House adviser David Axelrod had a message for President Barack Obama. "I think they just planted the seeds...

Is it time to start talking about a depression?

24.01.2013 12:52
BBC: Friday's official figures will show whether the UK economy expanded or contracted in the past three months. It will probably show a bit of contraction, following Olympics-flattered figures in the previous three months, when there was a bit of growth. It follows the pattern of recent...

Davos 2013: 'Dynamic resilience' in a volatile world

24.01.2013 12:51
BBC: Nobody talks about "resilience" when all is well. The ability to bounce back, stronger than ever, after having been knocked for six, is what is required now, both by the global economy, by governments and by companies. As such, resilience could perhaps be defined as a mixture of...

Davos 2013: IMF official says fixing banking still slow

24.01.2013 12:50
BBC: The financial industry still has a long way to go to fix itself, the International Monetary Fund's (IMF's) deputy director general has said. Financial products remain complex and shadow banking continues to be unregulated, Min Zhu told bankers at the World Economic Forum. He urged bankers...

Monti expects UK citizens to vote to stay in the EU

24.01.2013 12:49
BBC: Italy's Prime Minister Mario Monti expects UK citizens to vote to remain in the European Union (EU) if they are ever asked to decide in a referendum. Mr Monti's comments come after UK Prime Minister David Cameron promised such a referendum if he wins the next general election...

German economic strength: The secrets of success

24.01.2013 09:45
BBC: magine a country whose inhabitants work fewer hours than almost any others, whose workforce is not particularly productive and whose children spend less time at school than most of its neighbours. Hardly a recipe for economic success, you might think. But the country described above is...

IMF: Global economic recovery 'weakening

24.01.2013 09:43
BBC: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned again of a weakening global economic recovery despite government efforts to stimulate growth.   The global economy is likely to grow at a slower rate than previously forecast over the next two years, the organisation said in its...
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