
Alone at the top

10.12.2012 13:09
TheEconomist: Vladimir Putin has initiated some high-profile battles against corruption. But to many he seems increasingly isolated and out of touch STATE-RUN television is not usually the place to find news of corruption scandals involving officials close to Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin....

Slow, but popular

10.12.2012 13:06
TheEconomist: Angela Merkel’s cautious response to the euro crisis is backed by most Germans and by her party, which has just re-elected her almost unanimously as leader TWO duelling German metaphors capture the strategy of Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, in the euro crisis. The pejorative...

Greek deal puts euro zone in slow recovery room

10.12.2012 10:46
  (Reuters) - The euro zone is in the recovery room now the danger of a Greek default has been averted for a couple of years, but it is not yet safe from a Japanese-style "lost decade". The currency area's escape route hinges more on the pace of expansion in the United States...

Fed's monetary stimulus meets 'fiscal cliff'

10.12.2012 10:45
  (Reuters) - The contrast could not be sharper: Economists are all but certain the U.S. Federal Reserve will expand its monetary stimulus this week, but they have no clue how the fiscal battle in Congress will shake out. U.S. central bankers look set to extend their monetary stimulus,...

Germany's Ongoing Refusal to Forgive Greek Debt

10.12.2012 10:42
DerSpiegel: The International Monetary Fund believes that the only way to reduce Greek debt to a sustainable level is by way of a debt haircut involving the country's government creditors. But with an election approaching, Germany has refused to consider the proposal. Reality is on the IMF's...

'The Arab Spring Is Turning into a Hard Winter'

10.12.2012 10:40
DerSpiegel: In the face of growing opposition, Egyptian President Morsi has pledged to forge ahead with his polarizing constitution and defended the decrees that have granted him near absolute power. German editorialists say that without a compromise, the latest round of violence won't be...

Light Seen at End of Euro-Crisis Tunnel

10.12.2012 10:38
DerSpiegel: The worst of the euro crisis has passed, says European Commissioner Olli Rehn, who points to the common currency area's falling budget deficits in an interview on Thursday. Greek Prime Minister Samaras is also optimistic, saying that his country is now on the right track. Have...

Italy Vote Will Test EU Nobel Winners After Greek Buyback

10.12.2012 10:36
Bloomberg: The imminent end of Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti’s government threatens to open a new front in Europe’s crisis fight before a year-end summit, as Greece wraps up a six-month effort to secure a new bailout payment. European Union leaders, gathering in...

Spain Bailout Caution Grows as Business Lobby Backs Rajoy

10.12.2012 10:35
Bloomberg: Spain’s biggest business lobby is getting as cautious as Mariano Rajoy’s government on a possible bailout request because of concern how stringent conditions might be to trigger European Central Bank bond-buying. A rescue “could impose a criminal pace of reduction in public...

Lone German Keynesian Advocates Pooling Euro Debt

10.12.2012 10:32
Bloomberg: In his office at the six-century-old University of Wuerzburg, Peter Bofinger contemplates the fate of his country under the weight of the European sovereign-debt crisis. “Germany would be the biggest loser in a euro breakup,” he says. With his right hand, he does an...
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