
Cameron Promises Referendum by 2017 on U.K. Leaving EU

23.01.2013 10:22
Bloomberg: Prime Minister David Cameron pledged an in-out referendum on whether Britain should leave the European Union, allowing U.K. voters to decide on breaking up the 27-nation bloc. Cameron, describing British backing for the status quo in Europe as “wafer thin,” said he would put the...

CEZ Drops From Three-Week High on Albania Dispute: Prague Mover

21.12.2012 21:18
Bloomberg: CEZ AS (CEZ) fell from a three-week high after an escalation of a dispute with the Albanian government threatened to deepen the Czech utility’s losses in the country. The stock, the second-most traded in the PX (PX) index today, slid 0.2 percent to 659 koruna by...

Dogan Seeks to Buy Stake of CEZ’s Partner at Turkish Power Grid

21.12.2012 21:17
Bloomberg: Dogan Sirketler Grubu Holding AS (DOHOL) started talks to acquire 50 percent stake at Akcez Enerji Yatirimlari Sanayi & Ticaret AS, a joint venture with Czech CEZ AS (CEZ) that operates an electricity grid in western Turkey. Unit Dogan Enerji Yatirimlari...

Czech Cabinet Risks Collapse After Pary Pulls Out

21.12.2012 21:16
Bloomberg: Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas’s junior partner said it will quit the coalition by Jan. 10 after its leader was dismissed as defense minister, threatening to topple his government. “This is the factual end of the government,” Deputy Premier Karolina Peake, head of the LIDEM...

Greeks Can’t Find Euros to Buy Heating Oil This Winter

21.12.2012 21:14
Bloomberg: In the Greek mountain town of Kastoria, less than an hour from the Albanian border, Kostas Tsitskos, 88, can’t afford fuel to heat his home against the winter’s cold. So he and his son live in a single bedroom, warmed by a small electric heater. “One room is enough,” said...

Obama Turns to Global Traveler Kerry This Time Around

21.12.2012 21:12
Bloomberg: Months after passing over Senator John Kerry for a Cabinet post in 2009, President Barack Obama turned to the Massachusetts senator to warn Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai that U.S. support was at risk.   The Democratic chairman of the...

Euro zone rescuer Draghi faces daunting 2013

19.12.2012 13:28
  (Reuters) - With two short sentences, the head of the European Central Bank took the heat out of the euro zone crisis this year. In 2013 Mario Draghi has to live up to even bigger expectations. The ECB's own forecasts suggest the euro zone economy will shrink...

Insight: Marathon talks set Europe on path to banking union

19.12.2012 13:27
  (Reuters) - When 20 European Union leaders gathered in Oslo's sub-zero temperatures on December 10 to celebrate winning the Nobel Peace Prize, there was an unspoken item on the agenda: banking union. France and Germany planned to hold talks on the margins of the prize-giving to...

Republicans put squeeze on Obama in "fiscal cliff" talks

19.12.2012 13:26
  (Reuters) - Frustrated by their inability to wring more "fiscal cliff" concessions out of President Barack Obama, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives announced Tuesday night that they expect to pass their own tax bill as a backup plan to avert the tax hikes and automatic...

UBS fined $1.5 billion in growing Libor scandal

19.12.2012 13:25
  (Reuters) - Swiss bank UBS admitted fraud and accepted a $1.5 billion fine on Wednesday for its role in manipulating global benchmark interest rates. Dozens of UBS staff rigged the Libor rate, which is used to price trillions of dollars worth of loans, in collusion with brokers and...
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